Saturday, September 1, 2012

Update on a couple things

 I apologize for the lack of updates: My personal life is quite busy at the moment. A bit of an understatement, really.

As you may have noticed I have put in a couple of things:

Now in 64 different languages!: Due to a healthy audience from Europe somehow viewing my blog, I figure I put in a translator for everyone to use. Mainly 12 Russians, one Polish guy, a couple of Netherlanders, one American, and one frickin German (Gutentaig?).

Sadly the French and Italians haven't viewed this blog yet. Which means I can mock them without any worry about backlash. Or just mainly the French:


One more...

Legend is Legendary: I added the "Legend" to give all the nicknames I have for my cohorts/slaves.
Why? Because I promised them I wouldn't give out their real names, including mine. I will fix it fully later, as it is not finished. That's lies! There is no "Legend!" Carry on reading.

So that is all for now! Just a word of advice: No country is safe from my wrath of random. I just chose French people because I am half French, and Italian. 

I hope to have a proper posting Tuesday. Have a good weekend!

All photos were pulled from the internet.

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