Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Donkey Kong rejects are weak against shotguns

 This, is a Librarian.

"Hello, I'm a Librarian."
This is a Librarian up-close.

"Do my teeth look white enough?"

A face not even it's mother would love.

This is a dead Librarian.

"Lol I'm dead lol."

And this, is Bob.

"Hi, I'm Bob."
No one gives a fuck about you, Bob.

                                                         "Not even a tiny bit?"

No. Now go away, Bob. I have a post to do.

                                                   *German accent* "I'll be back."

Your Russian. And Arnold called, he wants his line back.

Anyways, Librarians, as you saw, are giant Donkey Kong rejects who are only fought near the end of Metro 2033. They are very hard to kill if under equipped. Plus, they hit like a truck going 200mph.

However, there are three weapons to easily dispatch them with: The Helsing, (a pneumatic arrow launcher) the Volt driver, (the taser from hell) and now, the Auto-shotgun. A heavy machinegun that shoots shotgun shells.

It turns out you need the whole 20 clip to bring these fuckers down, however the pay-off is worth it.

Allow me to illustrate some dialogue I had with one of these monkeys.  

Me: Excuse me Mr. Librarian?
Librarian: *Growls. Turns in my direction*
Me: How do you like your shotgun shells? In your face, or in whatever testicles you have left?
Librarian: *Looks puzzled at me. Ponders what testicles he has left*
Me: TOO LATE. *Unloads entire clip into monkey-man.*
Librarian: *Falls over dead. Let's a small fart out.*

Well at least that was working still.

All photos from the internet. Except for Bob. Not sure where he came from.

                                                              "Your mother."
Get out.

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