Thursday, August 16, 2012

Punching Khaki-panted demos

 I noticed something when playing DOOM yesterday. Hopefully I'm not the only one.

So while playing with my DOOM-buddy, as I call him, I got lost after dying from a goddam invisible Pinky demon. Shit heads that they are...

On my way back I had the up most pleasure of running into a Baron of Hell with an entourage.

Feeling like a badass (first mistake) I decided to punch the thing in the unmentionables until it croaked and melted into a pile of guts.

I should've realized if this thing can take a direct hit with the frickin BFG, then punching it is gonna feel like a massage to the groin for him. Or it.

I mentioned that it was wearing khaki pants while whipping me back to the spawn.

My friend denied the fact that the Baron was wearing khaki pants; didn't believe me for a second. Then, he got a closer look, after I was done punching it.

Doesn't it look like it is wearing khaki's?

"I must look fashionable for chucking green fireballs at dumbass marines who punch me in the groin."
Now this is just a personal opinion, feel free to develop your own conclusion.

Then again I imagine big boy here to have a Romanian accent and like long walks on the demonic beach and dinner by skull-lit candlelight.

Suddenly I feel like wearing khaki pants now.

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