Friday, August 10, 2012

Hell ain't a bad place

 One of my friends grew up on the DOOM series. So yesterday in Minecraft, he started digging up these random trenches in front of his house. Two things came to mind:

1) Someone pissed him off and he was planning to blow up his house again
2) A girl dumped him and he was planning to blow up his house again
3) He was in a good mood, and wanted to blow up his house plus the neighbors (me and two others)

Surprisingly, he did this:

Satan called: He wants his pools of lava back.
According to him this took about five hours or so to create. Yeah I shat my pants when I saw it too.

Now hold still and no one push each other into the pool!
The dude in the Black Knight suit created the "Hell's Gates". The dude in the Creeper uniform (Why...) was nice enough to test the flames burning on the bridge. Over and over again. And the dude crouching in the back tested the viscosity of the lava: Yep, she's good to go!

I say this was an easy picture, but I'd be lying to you. It took about a solid 20 minutes JUST to take this photo above. Ass hats, the lot of them. But this leads into my next post above this one which I like to call...

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