Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Crazy lunatics become sane?

 So I got around to some more S.T.A.L.K.E.R yesterday, but had problems with the computer, so I wasn't able to post until now. Apologies on my behalf.

Anyways, I was headed for the swamps to kill some uninvited guests, (re: Bloodsuckers) when I came across this squad of troops. Turns out these were Monolith guys who were no longer brainwashed.

For reference: Monolith is a group of stalkers who shoot anything and everything. They are mostly at the centre of the zone, and as mentioned are not in their right minds. Poor bastards.

These guys, as mentioned, were not shooting me. In fact, one of them explained his situation:

Monolith guy: (roughly translated) "So all of a sudden we were all like 'dude what happened to us?' But we knew we like killed a bunch of people and stuff. So could you like, go tell everyone at Yanov we're chill? We got no cover from mutants and emissions and stuff."


My luck is that everytime I briefly mention an emission, one comes along and fry's my ass.

Now depending who you like better, the hippies (Freedom) or the gun-toting assholes (Duty), a scene will play out when you ask "hey, ya wanna recruit some new dudes?"

Here's how it played out for me:

I'm so proud of them.
Ok maybe it didn't play like THAT, but still I went with Freedom because their not fucking lunatics.

Shortly after we all crack open some booze at the bar, an emission hits us.

Ah, irony: I shall have a drink for you.

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