Friday, August 10, 2012

DOOM'ed from the start

 So after two hours shoving one another into the moat gazing in awe at the gate, I was convinced to buy the first DOOM. Because DOOM 2 was 800 points and I wasn't going to shell out real money to get the game. Frickin' Microsoft and your rip-off point scheme...

So as soon as I spawn I'm ready to kick some ass! Unfortunately the DOOM expert and my other colleague seemed to have, to put it politely, "plowed the road". Fair enough, there's 29 other levels I will have a chance to shoot my gun.

Famous final words.

If I could record the amount of fail I was doing you would be facepalming pretty much every three minutes.

If I wasn't trying to find my way through the level or shooting my teammates (hey, they looked like Pinky Demons to me!) then I was getting my ass handed to me by zombies and frickin Imps and their frickin fireballs of frickiness. Bastards.

Yes, frickiness is a word.

In the end we decided to fight like real men and punch each other to death; Ok maybe just me.

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