This is part two of episode one. Which is
Alright we have an objective now: Fix the friggn' tram and replace the data board. So that the two happy couple can stop arguing in my fucking ears!
Yes game, I know. |
You two better appreciate this. not like your in any danger what-so-ever. | | |
Just in case your wondering, the board to activate said tram won't let you send the broken tram car.
Ah, well, kiss my ass then, computer! |
So now we have to become "Errand boy" for this leg of the race. First search some lockers for med kit and ammo.
Gimme. |
I forgot to mention: Each playthrough will randomize the lockers, boxes, etc. It all depends what weapons you have with you for ammo drops, As for health and credits there is no specifics. Just remember the harder the difficulty, the less ammo you'll have scrounging up.
There are two directions you can go to. This direction leads to a medium med kit and an audio log, and a locked elevator. |
The other is the way you have to go to fix the tram car. So yes, go this way first. |
Oh, hey Mike. You don't look so good man. |
If ya don't mind Mike, I'm just gonna CURB STOMP you in case you get up and try to kill me. |
Oh, God, what does Hammond want now? |
Hammond: Isaac, be careful. Shooting them in the body didn't seem to work. Go for the limbs, dismember them. That should do the job.
Yeah one big annoyance: They bash this tactic over your head. Kinda annoying after you played this game religiously. They fixed it for the second though.
Oh, look. A big empty hallway. |
You know, Hammond and Kendra could've just hopped down, and fixed the tram themselves. It's a hop skip away from their platform. No sense arguing with them. I'll let them argue with themselves. Pricks.
Walking down this hallway, you hear a roar echo through the place. Thankfully nothing comes out to get you. Be warned though it is from a creature you will meet later. And it is big.
Get to here and this door is having a seizure. Step in it's way and you will be chopped in half. |
Kinda like those dead guys there.
First, let's see what's in the box. |
Eh, ammo's always good. |
Now it's time to pick up your Best Friend Forever. |
The Stasis Module.
Wadda know, it fits perfectly! |
Stasis is the act of slowing down a fast object, (malfunctioning door) or slowing down fast enemies.
In other words: You be fast, they be slow!
Yes game, I just said that. |
Kendra: Looks like that door is malfunctioning, Isaac. Try using the Stasis Module you just picked up.
And how do you know I just did such a thing?
These stasis recharge stations fill up your meter fully. |
Your stasis meter is shown in the half circle on Isaac's right shoulder. When this runs out, you have no stasis.
Hey, door: FREEZE! |
And now we may continue. |
Keep an eye out for stasis packs. These are portable recharge stations, but they only fill so much. |
While entering the hallway to the tram, the lights go off, and the hallway is pitch black.
I wasn't kidding when I said "pitch black." |
What appears to be noises can be heard above you, as if your being stalked by the creatures.
Eventually the lights go back on. And we can move on.
First we will do something I never done: Go into the washrooms. |
In all the time playing this game, I have never went into the washrooms. Too scared to do so. Because nothing EVER good comes out of the washrooms.
If anyone wants to kill me, speak now or forever hold thyne peace. |
The dudes side has a med kit. |
The girl's side has ammo. |
No, there wasn't anyone alive in there. And no, nothing attacked me. Figures.
Near a locked door, curb stomp a box for loot. |
Nom. |
Now we can fix the tram. Good Lord who the hell beat it up this bad? |
I blame teenagers.
I'm watching you two. One eye open bitches. |
And here is how you upgrade your stuff: Power Nodes. |
These things are the key to upgrading your suit and weapons at a work bench. They can be bought but cost 10,000 credits. They are rare finds so be careful how you use them.
Oh, God: Kendra again. |
Kendra: Your stasis module should be able to help you with that arm mechanism.
What she means is one of the hooks there is broken. So if you activate it, she retracts.
This one works well. Yay. |
Oh, look: Company. |
Hold still; there's something on your face. let me shoot it off for ya. |
There, better now? |
Two dead guys and an item box. This is no way a trap. |
Son of a bitch. |
This one is different color. Which means he's tougher. You will encounter different varieties all across the game. They all want to kill you. Figures to that.
So wadda you have to say? |
Engineer: Listen up, car 8 is trashed. We managed to get it back to the repair depot, but now the auto-loader is fired.
Engineer: I need a Stasis module brought down here now! If we don't get this piece of shit off the tracks, it's going to jam up the whole system!
Don't worry: i will fix it. Since your dead and your buddy kindly gave me his module.
Stay put ya fried arm. |
When attached, activate the replacement cycle. |
Computer: Replacing damaged tram car. Please stand by.
Oh, joy: Something's gonna attack me now eh?
I was right. |
Kendra: Isaac you did it! That tram was blocking the whole system.
Well duh.
Kendra: When you get the computer online, you'll be able to call the tram from the control room. Faster the better...I can hear something crawling around out there...
Yeah me too. FOR ABOUT AN HOUR.
And look who wants to spoil my fun. |
He didn't drop anything. HE deserves a curb stomp on the forehead. or what's left of it. |
The new car is replaced onto the track as the arms place the shiny new tram car.
Computer: Tram replacement complete.
Thanks computer. At least you ain't out to kill me/give me errands/bitch in my ear. Good old technology.
Part three here. (Eventually.)
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