Sunday, December 2, 2012

Episode 1A- You call this a "Simple job?"

Prologue here.

When we last left off, we had a friggn' long ass intro, followed by a welcome by the crew: In the form of killing off two pilots and chasing our protagonist's ass into an elevator.

After the asshat tries to barge into the elevator (and fails), we take it to some sort of creepy room.

Course it's locked.
Approaching this door causes a man on the other side to start banging on it calling for help. He saids something about "them using the vents."

So instead we shall head left of the door.

"Cut off their limbs." Words to live by in this game.
And here's the weapon for the job.
Walk over to the bench there to pick up your first weapon: The Plasma Cutter. Basically your go-to gun. Solid firepower, decent reload, and not a bad fire rate.

It's also worth noting that almost all the weapons are based off engineering tools. Since Isaac is an average guy who is in the middle of a shit storm.

This is the point where the game beats the "Cut them apart" motto over your head.
On the plus side we can throw punches and curb stomp things into submission!

Before moving on check these boxes for small med pack and money.
You will need credits, as they are called, to buy stuff from the store. More on that later.

See these boxes? Curb stomp their asses!
These green boxes hold money, ammo, or health packs. If ya see them, open them up. Don't worry, the crew won't mind. Their not using them anyways.

At this point the guy behind the door's whaling is killing my ear drums, so now we can open the lock to save his ass.

These purple locks need to be destroyed before a door is unlocked next to it. Either shoot it, or punch it.

What you don't see is me attempting to punch the lock open. So I said "fuck it" and shot it open.
Excuse me sir, but could you explain what the hell is going on? And could you direct me to the nearest escape shuttle?

Oh fuck you.
Yes, as soon as you open the door, that asshole jumps the man and kills him. You can't save him, don't waste your ammo until it jumps at you. THEN cut it to pieces.

Or get pulled into getting chomped on and activate a quick-time event. If one of these things grabs you, mash the "A" button (Xbox 360) until you punch it's head off.

Here, chew on my fist!
For all I know, it could've just wanted a hug. A very painful hug.
It's good to note: Shooting their heads off only precedes to piss them off. They will still come at you. If ya shoot off their legs, they will crawl towards you and hack at your shins.

Laments terms: They want to kill you. And they will stop at nothing to do so.

When they die, they have a chance to drop ammo or credits.Most times ammo.
That doesn't mean you can't CURB STOMP THEM INTO KETCHUP SAUCE!!!!
The harder the difficulty, the less ammo they drop. So aim carefully.

My bad.
Moving down the corridor we come to another game tip: The act of using med kits. As explained before, the blue bar on your back is your health. When you hold up your gun, it shows how much ammo for that clip.

There is no hud to clutter the screen. And thank goodness, because I really don't wanna draw my eyes away from whatever wants to chop me into sushi while I examine 50 different things.

Yes, game, I am explaining that now.
See that empty bar? That shows when you take damage.

And this is what happens when you use a med kit.
You can only use med kits when your injured. You can't just use them up willie nilly. If your inventory is full, either drop something, or if need be, heal.

Before moving on, head left as soon as you enter the "med kit hall." Go pick up some credits for your hard-earned healing.

Figures. This tunnel is blocked.

Ah, the audio logs.
Throughout the game, you will come across "Audio logs." These are messages left from crew members painting the story of what went down before your arrival. Some are personal messages of what's on the person's mind or even a hint at a puzzle.

This one is from a dude named Benson.

Benson: This is Benson. Everybody listen up! They're using the vents! That's how they're getting around the ship!

Benson (continued): Stay away from the vents...

A man shouts in the back ground.

Look out!

Benson: Get back! Get back!

A hiss is heard followed by men screaming. End of log.


Why the fuck does one ship need so many vents for? God, I'm never gonna look at these things the same EVER AGAIN.

But yes, keep an eye out for a random dust cloud coming out of a vent; This means an enemy is about to pop out. Also watch out for silhouettes and noise of a vent breaking. No you cannot seal them.

At this point we reach Tram control.
I wonder what's happened to Kendra and Hammond? Maybe we'll get lucky and we can GTFO outta here.

Ah, shit a brick.

Kendra: Isaac? Issac! God, I can't believe he made it.

YOU can't believe *I* made it?

Hammond: Isaac, we ran into more of them on the way over here. Are you oKay?

Kendra: More what?! What the hell are those things? Is that the crew?!

A short answer: Yes. What's left of them.

Hammond: Keep your voice down! Whatever they are, they're not friendly! And half the doors on the ship are locked because of the quarantine.

Doesn't mean anything. All my doors over here are all unlocked. So BLEH!

Hammond: Now we have to get to the bridge, but first, we got to repair the tram system.

Of fucking course we do. Unless you wanna walk there. Bit of a stroll. I know, I did it once.

Kendra: You're crazy Hammond. You're gonna get us all killed.

Not me. I'm armed and dangerous. I got a boot that could cave in a Tortoise shell.

Hammond: If you listen to me, I WILL get you out of here alive. Now what's wrong with the tram?

It's probably broken and the data board is kaput.

Kendra: The data board is fried but there should be a spare in the Maintenance Bay. There's also a broken tram blocking the tunnel that needs to be repaired.

CALLED IT! Everyone reading this owes me $300 Canadian.

Kendra: Dammit, everything is on the other side of this quarantine. We can't reach it from here.

Bet I can.

Hammond: No, we can't...but you can.


Hammond: Isaac, if I can get to the Bridge, I should be able to access the personnel files. You fix the tram and I'll help you find Nicole.

End of video up-link.

No pressure, Boss.

Part Two here.

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