Monday, December 10, 2012

Hi my name is "Baby T-rex."

So this happened years ago, but I figured you all need to laugh at the humility that I committed. This post is dedicated to my buddies Conquer, Limp Bizkit, and DuskJustin.

So years ago, Xbox Live had the game show 1 vs. 100 on some nights or so. Me and my gang of misfits would hop into the lobby, do the grandpa dance and mock each others taste in fashion, women, and each other for good measure.

I personally called us the "Dancing Misfits." And thank God nobody else could see us. I think our message centre would be chock full of people insulting us. White men CANNOT DANCE.

Anyways we were part of the audience as usual; mocking the dumbass or lady who became "the one," and shout profanity at him/her about their mother.

Ok that was mostly Conquer but I digress.

There was a question that came up, which I think went along the lines of this:

Which Dinosaur was known as the "Speedy Theif?"

A) Oviraptor

B) Tyrannosaurus Rex

C) Velociraptor

Now, as a kid, I LOVED Dinosaurs. That's all I ever talked about. Hell I almost went into Paleontology, until I found out you had to be outside for long periods of time. I was a special child.

Anyways, when you answer a question early and fast before the answer, you get bonus points. I was going for an achievement to answer five or so in a row.

Now I know the answer is Velociraptor. Hell my brain was shouting at me "C! C!!!!!!!!!!! Raptor Jesus dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I chose B before the question even finished.

See, my brain was talking, but my hand was ignoring my signals and had an epileptic fit and hit the B button on my controller.

What followed was endless laughter by the gang and a new nickname from DuskJustin: Baby T-Rex.

Needless to say I never forgive myself, especially since the show was cancelled. Bastards.

So to this day my nickname is now " Baby T-Rex." Now I just look back and laugh my ass off about it. I miss those times when me and the Dancing Misfits would get together and mock each other and bust a move. I also miss Jen Taylor being the hostess but that's a different story.

Dancing Misfits for life.

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