Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Belated White Christmas

 Well for years it has been a "Green" Christmas and warm Decembers where I live. For some time there hasn't been enough snow to even hold up our Canadian reputation to be called "Eskimos."

Where I live, our little town rest in a ravine of sorts. My friends outside of my town know this because I never shat up about it. Then again a blonde kept talking about Kingston every five minutes and a fellow Colombian swore his country was more than just cigars, coffee and drug lords.

I guess were all guilty a wee bit eh? By the way, if those two people are reading this, I am just kidding! You may erase your FB hate messages.

Anyways recently the news (CP24) was having an absolute fit about a coming snow storm; a rather large one that would dump on the whole province. Now in the past i would call bluff, and say the monkey spinning the wheel in the background got it wrong. 99% of the time they were.

However, as of last night while most of us were snug in our beds imagining whatever, Mother Nature decided she wanted to give us a belated "White Christmas."

You can't tell: but there was, quite literally, five feet of snow, maybe even more.

Now anyone from Europe will look at these and laugh their asses of. Seeing as Ukraine got 25 feet of snow?

This is just kids stuff.

The backyard itself had mountains. I almost found myself face-first in a pile of dirt and concrete losing my footing. Then there was a fort hanging above our backdoor, just waiting to fall on somebody.

I took the liberty of removing it, only for it to fall on me. "Well at least I got my shower in!" I told myself. Only to continue to remove/rain more fucking snow on my friggn' self.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't drenched in the shit and freezing what arms I had off.

Mother Nature: 1
Me: 0

And as I write this my mom called me to look at the back deck: it is now covered in fucking snow again. It seems Mother Nature isn't done giving us that "snow storm" yet.

If anybody wants me I'll be outside cursing the Gods and my puny weak-ass shovel. Probably singing "Let It Snow," by Vaughn Monroe while I'm at it.

Yep, I am crazy.

Edit: According to the news, everywhere from Ottawa to Texas is hit with fucking snow. Since when did the south get hit with snow??? How them Southerners gonna shovel their trucks out of them snow pits?

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