Monday, January 7, 2013

Taking Pictures like a Professional

 So I have been busy being sick and, sick some more. Good way to start the New Year off, eh?

The good news is I have recieved the answer to my prayers as far as taking proper photos: An automatic shutter control, or, clicker.

This thing allows me to take photos without having to reach across my post to screw with my camera, and mess up shots.

Which means pretty soon there will be actual good photos! All I have to do is play with them in Photoshop.

And this is why there hasn't been an update. I have a set or two for Assassins Creed Three that needs editing, and tonight will be a set of Rainbow Six: Vegas Two.

I am quite happy. Now I go play with my new toy.

Thanks to my mom for the Christmas present.

This post will self-destruct your PC in five seconds.

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