Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Damn you, Lost Souls!

 All aboard the Update-Train!

Couple days ago, when "Ninja" decided to get off and watch a really bad reality show, me and my DOOM buddy decided we kill an hour by playing...DOOM.

Well it's either that, or masturbate for an hour.

Now, I am fairly new to the DOOM world, (I started with DOOM 3) but it was my Dead Space before it ever came out. I love the first one, it's fun as hell; pardon the pun.

But the fucking Lost Souls, those flaming flying skulls, are the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE x2.

"Ghost Rider" called, he want's his head back.

I can engage an Imp in melee combat, and come out with not even a scratch.
I can eat Pinky Demons for breakfast.
I can walk up to a Baron of Hell, punch him in the groin, and walk away LAUGHING.

But come up to this floating motherfucker? I get roflstomped.

So help me god when DOOM 3: BFG Edition comes out; I will be having nightmares of these things trolling me left and right.

Oh, and that lovely photo of  floating dip-shit there was pulled from the internet. Don't stare into his eyes, that's how they get you.

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