First of all I will admit to my stupidity real quick: Originally I had about 75 pics worth of me in an epic battle with the first bell boss and an optional area. However, I screwed with my cameras settings, and wound up with blurry, unfocused photos.
Needless to say, I went back and re-did the forest (minus the boss) and got summoned for the bell boss. Lesson of the day: DO not put your camera's F-Stop waaay to high, and for God sake listen to your mom when she saids, and I quote, "those pictures look blurry."
This post is dedicated to my wise mom.
Chantalle, if you would kindly...
What the fuck, Uncle Canadian Dude? |
I also picked up a Halberd. A thrust/stab like weapon that's super awesome to use. Basically it pokes at people from afar and swings in a very large death arc.
Ya really wanna piss a woman off when she's holding THIS? |
Yeah me neither.
Moving on now. So as you can see Chantalle has nicer armor on compared to her shitty robes. That, and I joined a covenant called "Warrior of Sunlight." Basically for an epic miracle to use against the bosses.
So with Dark Souls, you can put a sort of marker down to have people summon you into their world. From there, you can aid them in the boss fight and then your kicked out with humanity and half of the regular soul count for killing that boss.
Well that, or if you get invaded and need some back-up. 10 to one the guy is MUCH more skilled and armed. I usually just die.
When your sign is down, you can be summoned at anytime. |
You never know who summoned you until you pop into their world. Could be an absolute noob for all we know...
"Praise the Sun!!!" |
You do this move if your with the "Sun" covenant. It's an excuse to look cool or creepy. Can't decide.
Big hammer. Must be compensating for something... |
Due to this being the internet, I will respect the man's privacy and not put his bloody gamertag here. Know he ain't no noob. Neither is his hulking friend here.
So once through the fog gate, we come to the roof of the Undead Church. A very wide-open roof with tons of opportunity for something to knock us off. I'm sure my summoner can just ring the bell and move on right?
Hmmmmmmmm...maybe I should've kept quiet.
That, is the Bell Gargoyle. He is thick-skinned and pretty nasty. However a decent upgraded weapon and armor can stop his ass in his tracks.
A special note about bosses: Some of them can have their tail cut off. In response to this, you get a weapon. For example "Gargoyle tail axe."
Anyways now is the time to unleash my Lightning Bolts of PAIN.
When fail-goyle gets to a certain health degree, his brother decides to join the fun. Yes, two Gargoyles. For the price of one. We will call them "Bob" and "Steve" for easy reference.
Steve already has a quarter health and no tail. However, he breathes fire. And that shit can kill you fast. It's best to kill Bob as fast as possible, seeing he only comes at you in melee, though he will breath fire when the mood strikes him.
Thankfully thanks to our summoner, Mr. Hammer Time, and my lightning bolts, Bob and Steve go down in a mist of souls.
Another demonic son-of-a-bitch bites the dust. |
At this point, we are booted back to our world. And now I can show you where the bell is at, and a few other trinkets. See, Dark Souls is MASSIVE. Here take a look:
See that place? We'll be going through it. Painstakingly through it. |
See that wall and tower in the distance? Yep, we'll be dying there a lot. |
That large-ass forest? Yeah, already done a bit there... |
The forest was also part of the fail-photo-taking. However I will show you a bit of it. The other half I haven`t even touched. For good reason. That will be with another post where I will tie up some loose ends. Such as the Sun bro covie, merchant, etc.
So up we go past some more stone friggn`Gargoyles...
Buddy, if I were you, I`d stay very still for another 100 years. |
From here we would of rang the bell and get a cutscene of the luscious landscape. And nothing else.
Pretty. |
I might add the bell is very high up, and it`s a looong way back before you can get your stuff again.
Which is exactly why someone put this message near a delicate ladder. Asshole. |
As we make our way down we meet a new character: Oswald of Carim. Or, "The Pardoner."
Creepy bastard? Check. |
He sells Indictments along with other things. These can be used to report a person who invaded you, and get them invaded later by someone much better than you. He also has a real creepy evil laugh.
Yeah my thoughts exactly. |
I will end it here. Next time, I will show you some characters, a forest straight outta "The Legend of Zelda," but with even nastier shit, and maybe kill a rock and a pissed off knight.
All this Thursday. Say goodbye Chantalle!
"Praise the Sun! :D" |
Wrong gesture...
"Bye!" |
That's better. Take care everyone!
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